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Do this one thing to explode your email revenue for your Shopify Store

Sometimes the simplest things to do can have the biggest impact. In order to drive significant revenue from email marketing, you must get your emails into the inbox. It seems simple, but many emails head up going into the spam folder or promotions tab because google deems them as a promotion.

This simple tactic can change that. Make sure you are asking questions you actually want the answer to and you have an internal customer service team that is ready and willingly to answer them. When you do this effectively you build life long relationships at scale via the inbox. It all starts with a question to your email list.

You can send emails via campaigns or set them up in an automated flow like the example above. Asking authentic questions is just the start to keeping an email list healthy, growing and most importantly profitable.

$438,865.04 from one email campaign...

Want us to build you an entire email roadmap that will drive revenue and build your brand? Get a free email roadmap today >>

Want to launch bigger and drive more profit from your Klaviyo email marketing? 🚀

Must be doing at least $50k a month to qualify

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